Land clearing off of Thomasville, Ox Bottom roads due to new road construction
Feb 15, 2023 03:51PM ● By Cristi Mc Kee
The land clearing taking place off of Thomasville and Ox Bottom Road has been the talk of the town since it began in mid-January.
According to District 4 Commissioner Brian Welch, this massive tree clearing is due to an Ox Bottom Thomasville LLC project.
Soon, Velda Dairy Road will be extended to the other side of Thomasville Road to subsequently connect and align with Ox Bottom Road, according to Commissioner Welch.
At present, the road extension is still in design and crews are trying to reconfigure the stormwater facilities in preparation of the new roads.
The land is also being cleared for future use of commercial development.
"I trust that our traffic engineers and planners know what they are doing and am looking forward to seeing a design plan from the city,” Welch added. “The county has no permitting authority over this project, and we have had difficulty getting information from the city.”
The City of Tallahassee has not published any maps or design documents for the extension as of yet.